How effective is acoustic glass at reducing noise?

With the fast pace of modern work, it’s essential to create a harmonious working environment that encourages productivity – allowing the right level of privacy, without a distracting amount of noise.

In a busy office, for example, installing acoustic glazing can help to reduce sound transfer and strategically control the level of ambient noise, making it a much more comfortable place to work.

While freestanding partitions might allow noise to travel around them, acoustic glass can act as an insulating layer to reduce sound movement – so even though they aren’t completely soundproof, they help to maintain a pleasant, open atmosphere with a sense of calm professionalism.

If you’re considering glass partitions for your workspace and wondering if acoustic glass would be the best choice, here’s what you should know about acoustic glass partitions and where to use them.


How does acoustic glass work?

Sound travels through the air in waves that cause vibrations, which we hear when they reach our ears. The intensity of sound is measured in decibels (dB) – the louder the noise, the higher the dB value. Silence starts at 0dB, with loud sounds like live music, sirens, or jet engines exceeding 120dB.

Conversational noise can range from 40dB to 60dB on average, but acoustic glass can insulate sounds up to this level to muffle conversations. For example, the acoustic glass partition systems we offer here at Glass Interiors can reduce sound up to 32dB 57dB, depending on the type and thickness.

While they look like ordinary clear glass panels from the outside, acoustic glass panels are made by bonding at least two sheets of glass together with an insulating layer in between, typically made of polyvinyl butyral (PVB). This is what disrupts the transmission of vibrations and dampens the sound.

When installed appropriately, this type of glass partition keeps office noise to a minimum and maintains privacy for meetings. It’s also important to consider the framing, as the sound reduction is only as effective as the seal around the edges of the glass.


Where to use acoustic glass

There are many different applications for acoustic glass across various types of buildings, from noisy roads, train stations, and airports to homes near schools, in heavy traffic zones, or areas with adverse weather conditions.

When it comes to business premises and office buildings, a low level of noise is usually preferred, so people can work comfortably without it being too quiet or too loud. Some conversations also need to be kept confidential.

This is why acoustic glass walls and partitions can be so effective in separating meeting rooms from the main office space, dividing banks of desks, or forming smaller ‘pods’ within an open plan for workers who need fewer distractions.

They can also be used to create a waiting area or reception for guests when they arrive, providing a professional first impression for clients and other visitors.

Of course, when choosing where to install acoustic glass, you’ll need to take several factors into consideration – including identifying the noisiest and most sound-sensitive areas, the comfort of workers, and building regulations.

You can also combine acoustic glass with other noise reduction and privacy measures, such as installing thicker carpets and ceiling tiles or carefully planning furniture arrangements.


Which glass partitions are right for you?

Acoustic glass is a must-have element in any modern office, but the most cost-efficient office designs will only use acoustic glass where it’s necessary, and can incorporate other types of glass elsewhere.

At Glass Interiors, we provide a range of customisable glass partitions that feature various types of glass and hardware, which are suitable for many different purposes in almost any interior setting.

Whatever the optimal glass partition arrangement may be for your particular space, you can count on our team to create and fit a functional and visually appealing system that improves your work environment on almost every level.

You can learn more about the different partitions and acoustic elements we offer by browsing our website, or get in touch by calling 0203 793 5455 or emailing